Grow Gadgets Propagation Heat Mat
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Grow Gadgets Heated Mat
Warm your seedlings up to 20℃ above room temperature. This durable, waterproof mat accelerates germination and encourages strong early growth.
Supports critical young growth
Propagation is a critical stage of growth. If plants don’t get the best start early, they’re less likely to deliver high yields later on.
Young plants need to grow in a warm, consistent environment for the best rates of germination. The Grow Gadgets Heated Mat is an instant solution. Just place inside your propagator for gentle, even warmth.
Grow all year round
Plants will become dormant or even die if growing conditions are too cold.
This mat is perfect if you’re growing in colder climates or propagating during the winter months. It’s the biggest advantage of indoor growing; you’re never limited by the seasons.
Propagate in sheds, greenhouses, and grow tents without worry. Working up to 20℃ above room temperature, your young plants will always stay in the perfect conditions for prime root development.
Thermostat compatible
Monitor your mat at any time by connecting it to the Grow Gadgets Heated Mat Thermostat. You’ll be able to easily view the current temperature of your seedlings and adjust it between the range of 20℃ and 42℃.
It’s an ingenious way to make sure your young plants are at their optimum climate at all times, no matter the changing weather.
Accelerates germination by several days
Not only will young plants grow healthier in optimal conditions, but they’ll grow faster, too. Using the Grow Gadgets Heated Mat has been proven to speed up germination by several days!
It’s an all-natural way to accelerate the process, with no compromise on plant health or yield size.
Waterproof design
Splashes, spills, and leaks are all common in a grow room. The Grow Gadgets Heated Mat is fully sealed and waterproof.
How to use Grow Gadgets Heated Mats?
Simply place into the bottom of your propagator and add your cuttings and seedlings on top. The mat is waterproof, so don’t worry - it will withstand drainage from your plants.
Place the lid on the propagator and plug the mat in at the mains.
If desired, connect to the Grow Gadgets Heated Mat Thermostat to remotely adjust the temperature of your mat.
Where to use Grow Gadgets Heated Mats?
Use inside a propagator to speed up germination in young plants.
It’s suitable in any indoor growing space - especially those that are a little colder. You’ll get great results in grow tents, sheds, and greenhouses.
Why choose Grow Gadgets Heated Mats?
Allows you to germinate early or late in season;
Maintains optimal temperature for seedlings;
Can be connected to the Grow Gadgets Thermostat;
Speeds germination process by several days;
Prevents damage and dormancy in cold weather;
Resilient waterproof design.
Product Specifications:
Brand: Grow Gadgets